At ESCORT we know that performance is essential for drivers. That’s why we offer an assortment of high-performance radar detection systems to help drivers navigate their way through growing road threats.
Most advanced driver alert system. Designed to be seamlessly integrated into the vehicle for a completely discreet install and true Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) look and feel.
First driver alert system designed for the connected car. Built in Wi-Fi capability enables drivers to get live software updates without unplugging the device from the car.
Freedom To Drive With Confidence. Engineered in the U.S. the DualPro 360° is the first Cobra multi-directional radar system with unmatched accuracy and patented AutoLearn® technology to eliminate false alerts.
Cobra DualPro 360°
Intelligent driver alert system. Designed to be seamlessly integrated into the vehicle for a completely discreet install and true Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) look and feel.
ESCORT iX Ci System
The ESCORT MAX 3 levels up your driving game as the next evolution in connected driver alert systems. Be prepared and more informed for anything on the road ahead with premium range and advanced filtering.
We didn’t raise the bar. We shut it down. Introducing the Redline 360c, the new technical standard for driver alert systems. 2X the range. 360° directional awareness. 100% stealth. Get ready to REDefine the road.
ESCORT Redline360c
The Future Of Driver Awareness Has Arrived. The Cobra Road Scout is the only 2-in-1 driver alert system with accurate and long-range radar detection combined with a high definition dash cam.
Cobra Road Scout
High performance driver alert system. Features Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology and multiple laser sensors to provide early warnings on all road threats today.
Join the exclusive ESCORT/Cobra driving community for real-time driver alerts. Receive full
access and early warnings on red light cameras, speed traps and live law locations. More than
100 million alerts shared annually. Download today.